root configuration object

interface RootConfigObject {
    jsr?: JsrConfig;
    typedoc?: Omit<
        "entryPoints" | "entryPointStrategy" | "extends",
    > & { excludePackages?: string[]; includePackages?: string[] };
    versioning?: VersioningOptions;
    viteConfig?: string;


jsr?: JsrConfig

jsr-specific configuration

typedoc?: Omit<
    "entryPoints" | "entryPointStrategy" | "extends",
> & { excludePackages?: string[]; includePackages?: string[] }

base configuration for typedoc

Type declaration

  • OptionalexcludePackages?: string[]

    note: fuman-specific option

    list of packages for which the docs should not be generated

  • OptionalincludePackages?: string[]

    note: fuman-specific option

    if passed, docs will be generated for the specified packages only

versioning?: VersioningOptions

configuration for the changelog generator

viteConfig?: string

path to vite config to use when building using fuman-build cli, relative to the workspace root
